petak, 17. kolovoza 2007.


For centuries Christians have pondered mysteries associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus: holy Mary, mother of God. Most people know her through the pages of the Bible, but many others have come to know her outside these pages. Throughout the last 2000 years, for example, Mary is said to have responded to the thousands of prayers to her Son, prayers that have been answered through her intercession. She has even, on occasions, graced us with her actual presence here on earth.

Roman Catholics are often accused of worshipping Mary, giving her God-like status. Contact with her is made through the likes of the Rosary – a Roman Catholic devotional item, icons and other images while invoking her name. The Rosary, for example, is a string of beads arranged in five sets of ten beads, with each set used to meditate on events in the life of Christ and his mother while praying. Such is the devotion applied by Rosary users on occasions that non-Catholics accuse them of worshipping Mary.

The Council of Ephesus in 431 held that Mary was the mother of God, Theotokos, and as such is worthy of great reverence. Catholics, then, honor Mary in their special way, often using her to mediate with God or her son on their behalf. The tradition of 2000 years, the documented miraculous occurrences or answers to thousands of prayers over the centuries, all attest to the success of using holy Mary, mother of God as a mediator between God and man.

Apparitions of Mary are alleged to have occurred over 2000 years. The evidence of many reputable witnesses to certain of these events cannot be discounted. In 1917 in Fatima, Portugal, for example, some 70,000 people witnessed unnatural ‘dancing’ of the sun following monthly appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Again, in 1981 young children in Medjugorje, Bosnia claimed daily apparitions of Mary. More than 25 years later these same visionaries are said to be still receiving visitations – an almost unheard of regularity in Church history.

The events in Medjugorje have attracted millions of pilgrims to that small village, overshadowed by a huge concrete cross on a nearby hill that was erected by the villagers in 1933 to celebrate 2000 years since the Redemption of Christ. Visitors here cannot but be impressed with the devotion of the villagers to the service of God. They respond to requests from Mary to pray, fast and make reparation for sins. The whole atmosphere is one of peace and tranquility.

Commercialism is a fact of life in many tourist places these days, and in Medjugorje it is no different. Shops are stocked with religious items: Rosary beads, Italian manufactured art and statues, various other religious objects. But the visitor can see beyond this commercialism and witness genuine devotion to Mary, with first place being given to her son, Jesus. Life here, one can imagine, is like stepping into the pages of the Bible during the lifetime of Jesus. The author knows of no other place on earth where you can go out and leave your home unlocked without fear of burglary. Here you feel safe and secure when you carry out all your daily activities.

In this 21st century, then, God is still alive and still being witnessed in Medjugorje by Catholics, Protestants, and all men, women and children of many religions. All of these people are being brought back to the Creator by the greatest woman in the history of mankind: holy Mary, mother of God.

Bob Gill is webmaster for the site:'Gospa, Our Lady of Medjugorje', which offers a free quarterly publication aimed at spreading the messages of Our Lady of Medjugorje.

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