četvrtak, 16. kolovoza 2007.


According to the testimony of the six young parishioners, since June 24, 1981 the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing every day in the parish of Medjugorje. On that day the visionaries were frightened by Our Lady's appearance and ran away. The following day, June 25th, they responded to Our Lady's call and went to the hill of apparitions, where for the first time they prayed and conversed with her. Therefore, that day is celebrated as the anniversary of the Queen of Peace, the way Our Lady introduced herself.

All the visionaries live in the parish of Medjugorje, except Marija Pavlovic who now lives in Italy and comes periodically to Medjugorje and Ivan who spends part of the year in Medugorje and the other part in Massachusetts.


Ivanka Ivankovic (15)

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