petak, 17. kolovoza 2007.


Boxing is a very demanding sport that can bring great rewards to someone that gives it everything that they have and more. If you can stick with boxing, then you will learn many very important life skills that will help you to be a better person. Also you can make a great career out of boxing, and might even become rich and famous. However if the proper respect and effort is not given, then the sport can eat you up, and spit you back out again. I started my boxing career in the Junior Golden Gloves in my city. I believe that the lessons I was taught during this time have helped to shape me into the man that I have become today.

During my experience in Junior Golden Gloves, I was not the best boxer of the group, but I worked hard everyday to get better and become the best boxer that I could. Boxing kept me away from drugs, gangs, and many other bad influences that some of my friends fell into during this time. I also believe that the Golden Gloves taught me the value of determination and hard work. As a boxer you can easily see what training and hard work can do for you in life. I believe that I have carried this throughout my life, and I try to let that hard work and determination translate into other things in my life.

You should definitely try to get your kids started in boxing when they are young, because it will keep them out of trouble, and also help them learn the skills that will make them leaders for the rest of their life. Also if your child is very good then they might even be able to make boxing into a very lucrative career. Boxing will also help kids learn how to stand up for themselves, and give them confidence that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. I really enjoyed my time in boxing, and am very appreciative of the lessons I learned while I was boxing.


If I ask 'what do think of when you hear the word sport?' I doubt if I'd get 2 answers the same. The world of sport is such a huge one, with a seemingly endless supply of subsections.

Some sports are cash rich with money flowing everywhere, while other sports are cash poor, never seeming to have any money.

When it comes to making money online, both ends of the scale are suitable to work with.

One of the most effective ways to make money online is to focus on niches. A niche is a group of people who have the same interest. This means you can focus what you offer them, and how you offer it.

Generally speaking, the broader and less tightly focused the niche, the harder it is to market. The word 'sport' as I said earlier means all sorts of things to all sorts of people. You will not know what they are all interested in.

So, we dig deeper into the niche, and this is called 'long tail marketing.'

To show an example, let's pick the NFL.

If someone types 'NFL' into a search engine, you don't know what they're looking for. It could be results, tickets, merchandise, equipment, any team. They could be looking to buy or just find information. You don't know, so let's narrow it down.

If you pick any of the 32 teams in the league, you are narrowing it down a bit, as at least you can focus on 1 team!

If you type the team's name into any free keyword tools available, you'll see a list of phrases that people searched for in the previous month.

An example might be the Miami Dolphins, which might show people searching for Miami Dolphins replica helmets.

This is more like it! If someone types that into a search engine, we can can be pretty sure what they are after, and can therefore focus our efforts on providing them the solution - in this case it would be an affiliate offer for a company selling replica helmets.

A phrase of 3+ words is often enough to be a defined niche, but you can go right up to 6+ words - remember, the tighter the niche, the more focused it is!

If you follow this 'marketing tail' back up the line, you can see that just one NFL team can provide a huge amount of niches.

Repeat it for all 32 teams, then go to college football.

Then you can do the same for any sport on the planet!

Believe me, it's possible to stay in the world of sport and *never* run out of niches to tap into!


In the early 1900’s the Hawaiians organized the Hui Nalu (surf club) and competed in neighborly surf competitions with the Outrigger Canoe Club. This drew a great deal of attention to the Waikiki surf shore, bringing a revitalized interest in the sport, which had fallen out of favor in the late 1800s. Duke Kahanamoku, an Olympic star in swimming, popularized the sport further by traveling internationally and showing off his surfing style to thrilled audiences around the world. He was favored by Hollywood elite; having acted in bit parts in films and was always recruiting new surfers wherever he went. He is credited with surfing the longest wave of all time in 1917, in the popular surfing area now called Outside Castles in Waikiki. His 1000 meters plus wave record has yet to be overtaken.

In the 1930s, the sport of surfing was experiencing a Renaissance. Tom Blake, founder of the Pacific Coast Surf Championships that ended with the onset of war in 1941, was the first man to photograph surfing from the water. Another photographer and surfer named Doc Ball published California Surfriders 1946, which depicts the pristine coastal beaches and good-time, relaxed atmosphere of surf living. Surfing, although curtailed in the aftermath of WWII, revived as always by the 1950s. Bud Browne, an accomplished surfer and waterman, created the first ‘surf movie’ with his 1953 “Hawaiian Surfing Movie”. This inspired many photographers, filmmakers and surfers to continue documenting the sport, culminating with is arguably the best surf movie of all time, 1963’s “Endless Summer” by Bruce Brown. The film opened up the genre of the surf movie and the art of surfing to non-surfing people, accumulating fans and inspiring neophytes.

Although surfing was a male-dominated sport, adventurous women surfers can be seen all the way back to the times of the Polynesian Queens. Two notable ‘surfer girls’ were Eve Fletcher and Anona Napolean. Eve Fletcher was a California-born animator for Walt Disney and Anona Napolean was the daughter of a respected Hawaiian surfing family. The two pioneered the sport for modern women, winning surfing competitions up and down the California coast at the end of the 50s and into the 60s. Hollywood was quick to be on the scene and with the 1959 film “Gidget”, surfing was flung far out into the mainstream, never to return to its humble, ritualistic beginnings. “Gidget” inspired a slew of “Beach Blanket Bingo” movies that brought surfing to a new generation of teens and inspiring a new genre of ‘surf music’ that accompanied films and made The Beach Boys more famous than Elvis in the 60s.

Surfing spread throughout all media and Surfing Magazine was born in the early 1960s by famous surf photographer, LeRoy Grannis. After that, other publications cropped up bringing more information on the sport, equipment and stars of the surfing scene. John Severson, an accomplished filmmaker and photographer, created Surfer Magazine, originally called “The Surfer”. These publications brought advertising, professional surfing, surf culture and publicity to the now very popularized sport.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on sport and visit our associated site articles for free.

Eric Hartwell - EzineArticles Expert Author


Cricket is one of the world's fastest growing sports and yet remains a mystery to many. If you want to find out more about the sport then read on.

The sport of cricket was originally exported from its home country of England. The Lord's cricket ground in London is still known as the "home of cricket".

As cricket became more popular at home, so the British started to bring the sport to other countries that were then part of the British Empire. A glance at the list of the top international cricket playing countries reveals how the sport first spread in this way.

International cricket is still dominated by the likes of Australia, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the West Indies.

In recent years attempts have been made to broaden the appeal of the game. These have ranged from encouraging an organised version of the sport in less traditional cricketing nations (such as the Netherlands and Denmark) to creating more accessible versions of the sport.

International matches have also been played in more varied locations, from the Middle East to North America, in an attempt to attract more spectators.

If you're interested in finding out more about cricket, then your access to the sport will vary depending on where you live.

For those of you living in the traditional cricket playing countries, you'll be lucky enough to be able to head to a sports ground and watch cricket live.

Many of us aren't quite so fortunate and need to rely on the television, radio and internet for our first introductions to the game.

Each of these media can provide a great introduction to the game. Viewing a real match on television is obviously a fine way to start getting into the game, while cricket is surprisingly well suited to radio coverage.

When it comes to the internet, the popular CricInfo website contains a plethora of information on all aspects of cricket, from the rules to detailed statistical analysis.

It's also possible to find cricket clips on YouTube. Again, these can provide a good introduction to the sport.

If you are interested in finding out more about the game then take your time to investigate. Don't worry if it all seems complicated at first - you'll soon grow to love this most traditional of sports.

Keith Barrett has written about cricket and cricket gloves for a number of publications. This article may be used by any website publisher, though this resource box must always be included in full.


The Osa Peninsula in Costa Rica is home to a multitude of sport fishing excursions and opportunities. Sport fishing can include inshore fishing, offshore fishing, and even oceanfront activities, tours, and cruises. Vacation packages to Costa Rica, specifically for sport fishing and exploring, are becoming a popular trend.

Destinations for Sport Fishing Vacation Packages in Costa Rica
The prime destinations for sport fishing in Costa Rica include:

• Corcovado National Park
• Puerto Jimenez
• Playa Nicuesa

Corcovado National Park is a prime destination for exploring and enjoying the best of Costa Rica in true form. The self-sustaining eco-lodge is just minutes away from the Pacific Ocean, and fishing options abound throughout the year. The lodge features hot tubs and other luxurious amenities for a complete experience. Each room also contains cabins and decks for unique views of the surrounding natural area.

Puerto Jimenez is the largest town in the Osa Peninsula area, and is a popular destination for locals and visitors alike. The Gulfo Dulce is just minutes away, and offers everything a sport fishing enthusiast would need for comfort and enjoyment.

Playa Nicuesa Eco Lodge is a tropical rainforest with luxury amenities and surroundings. Located just on the brink of the Gulfo Dulce, the pristine tropical rainforest offers a handful of sport fishing activities, charter boat excursions, and eco-tours year round.

Inshore Fishing on Gulfo Dolce
Gulfo Dolce offers almost 1,000 feet of deep water fishing opportunities, and is surrounded by lush rainforests and mountainous regions. The Pacific Ocean provides much of the southern area’s inshore fishing options, and anglers and travelers alike can take part in a unique sport fishing excursion with inshore fishing boats. Popular inshore fishing boats include the Pez Iguana. It’s comfortable and spacious enough for three anglers, and equipped with plenty of heavy duty fishing equipment and supplies. This boat is maneuverable in shallow water. Popular fishing tactics in the region include:

• Casting for snapper and Spanish mackerel
• Live bait fishing for snapper, roosterfish, and snook
• Fly fishing
• Bait fishing

Other highlights and fishing options are prevalent on the Rock of Matapalo.

Offshore Sport Fishing in Costa Rica
Offshore sport fishing options abound in Costa Rica, and the most common complement a variety of fishing tactics for the targeted species. The targeted species in this area include:

• Marlin
• Sailfish
• Dorado
• Tuna

Offshore fishing techniques include:
• Trolling with standard tackle
• Bait and switch, a combination technique using three different teasers and varying the levels of reels
• Fly fishing
• Live bait

Eliseo is an avid fishing guy
For more info and related article about fishing visit


Feeing a little bored lately?

Well, then perhaps you should try sport fishing in Alaska! Do you dream of catching that record breaking trout?

Want to reel in a fish that will feed your entire family? Wish you could put up a shiny fishing trophy on that bare wall? It is all possible in the world of sport fishing.

Although 400 pound halibut and 80 pound salmon are rare, they do exist. For most fishermen (and fisherwomen) they will leave satisfied with the catch that they did stumble upon. After all, you are in Alaska… home to some of the best fishing in the country.

When sport fishing, there are a couple things to keep in mind. First of, above all else, remember to obtain a fishing license before you even drop your line.

Without a license, you can get in big trouble and losing the “big one” won’t be your only concern. After you have your license, you can either enter a sport fishing contest where all contestants fish a specific location and the one with the biggest fish or most fish wins. If you are not interested in entering a contest then you’re all set.

Just pick a location, decide on which type of fish you want to find, and cast out, young angler. If you’re looking for something a little more exciting then find a contest, understand the rules and regulations, and then you are also on your way. Either decision you make will insure sport fishing in Alaska is a highlight of your trip.

Some of the best spots for sport fishing in Alaska are the Kenai Peninsula, Bristol Bay, Kodiak, Prince William Sound, and the Upper Copper area.

Each of these areas offers different types of fish and different living conditions. The most popular types of fish to catch are rainbow trout, halibut, silver salmon, king salmon, and lingcod.

Sport fishing in Alaska is a grand experience if done right. Some private fishing docks have guides to accompany you on your trip into the Alaskan waters.

So, when the 400 pound halibut comes swimming in, you will be ready. Alaska’s waters are full of fish for the catching and sport fishing in Alaska is a great way to do that!

Enjoy the Alaskan waters as you reel in a big one!

For more information on Alaska Vacations visit where you will tips on Alaska attractions, Alaska fishing and hunting, Alaska railroad tours, even sport fishing in Alaska, and more


22nd April 2007, and the London Marathon sets off at 9am sharp.

Am I one of the 36,000 odd competitors one the start line, all trained and ready to go? Er, well no.

I wanted to do the race to mark my 40th birthday, but had a disappointment when I didn't get in the race (there were around 120,000 applications for the 36,000 places!)

Since I write about goal achievement though, I decided that wouldn't stop me, so carried on training to get ready for the 22nd April.

My intention was to run my own marathon on my own at the same time as the London race, so while the masses were ready in the country's capital, I was stood on my own start line, and started my stopwatch at 9am.

I'd put in a year's worth of training, so considered myself ready, but was a bit wary about the heat, which just my luck equalled the hottest in the 27 years of the London Race!

I ploughed along, and got to 26.2 miles in 5 hours 45 minutes, about 15 minutes outside my target, but not bad considering the heat and a dubious groin muscle at 20 miles!

So, how can we benefit from those 36,000 runners, plus me, that achieved the distance? Well, that's the first thing, the achievement itself.

No-one finishes a marathon without dedicated training. The levels of training vary hugely, but *all* the finishers put a lot of time and effort in, and every single finisher would have felt a great deal of discomfort/pain.

It's motivation and inspiration to remind us of what we can achieve if we set our minds to it, and that's something most of us rarely bother with.

Of course it's possible to also benefit financially from the fact that 36,000 did the marathon. There are marathons all over the world, and running is a huge market for business.

You can either set up your own dedicated running business website, or you could earn commission by sending visitors to existing websites.

The method I like to use though, is providing information. With today's technology it is quick, easy and free to do this, and with my technique I've found no shortage of willing customers - after all, I know what they want as I did the marathon too!

So, whether you took part in the actual race, or a solo effort like me, or whether you sat back in your armchair and watched with a cool drink, take heart from the 36,000 London Marathon runners, and make sure you take all the benefits available!

Gordon Bryan is the author of 'Make Money From Sport,' a guide where he takes you through the single technique he uses again and again to profit from any sport! Find out more at:


The name of the man? Lewis Hamilton The sport? Formula 1 Grand Prix Motor Racing. The luck? To start his career in the best car in the sport?

The 2007 Formula 1 World Championship started with a few names on peoples' lips. There was Michael Schumacher, the 8 time World Champion, who was no longer in the sport - how would it be after his retirement?

Then there was Fernando Alonso, the latest young gun, already twice World Champion, but starting with a new team this year, McClaren.

Another name was Lewis Hamilton, a 21 year old British driver who had made waves in the lower levels of racing, but was now thrust into the full force of the Formula 1 circus.

Well, Alonso seems to have made a wise choice to switch to McClaren, as they seem to have a car which might give a lot of wins, for the first year in many. Who is the other driver for McClaren? Yep, you guessed it, Lewis Hamilton, and after getting on the podium in the first 3 races, his name is now right at the front of the list.

No driver had ever got in the top 3 for his first 3 races - Schumacher didn't, Alonso didn't, Ayrton Senna didn't.

That must make Hamilton sensational, right? Er, well yes and no.

He is no overnight revelation, he has been with the McClaren team for 9 years, but most Formula 1 Drivers would give their right arm to be in the car that he is - talk about in the right place at the right time! Plus he has Alonso as his co-driver, the current World Champion with all the expectation and attitude of success that comes with it.

Let's measure his story with the previous young gun of British talent, Jenson Button. Everyone expected high things of Button, but ever since his first race he has been with teams in development, never in a team at its' peak, and in a sport which is so dominated by the technology of the cars, his racing talent has been somewhat lost, and he seems destined to be a journeyman driver as far as results go.

There is no doubting that Hamilton has natural talent, and there can also be no doubt that over many years he has given huge dedication to his goal. In my view, to those who say he is the luckiest man in sport, I say it's a classic example of making your own luck!

Gordon Bryan is the author of 'Make Money From Sport,' a guide where he takes you through the single technique he uses again and again to profit from any sport! Find out more at:


In the stand are families who have supported this wonderful sport for many years. Generations of drivers are represented in the bleachers.

Dirt track auto racing is a family-oriented sport. It isn't uncommon to find grandfather, father, and son working together to build a modified stock car to race. Then the best driver out of the three will take the car for a quick spin around the track. Any modifications that are needed will be worked on by the family to prepare the car to do its part in the race. However, it is the skilled driver who wins or loses.

One such winning modified race car driver is located in the small town of Latrobe, PA in the Laurel Highlands. His name is Jeremy Zufall. Jeremy, his dad Jim (he races and wins also), his grandfather, and a few of his uncles have all been dirt track auto racing drivers over the years. They are a close knit family who have a passion for the sport and who love to race just for the fun of it. They do also like to win. Jeremy has won many events at the Latrobe Speedway as well as other events in the tri-state area of Pennsylvania.

Anyone who is 18 or older and who has a car can get started in dirt track auto racing. You will need to make your car safe by modifying it just in case you would crash during the race. The most important modification would be to make a cage on the drivers side to protect you if you roll over. You must also take out all of your windows to prevent life-threatening cuts in the event of a crash. When you are just starting to drive, the speeds average 70-80 mph and those are speeds you are used to doing on the highways. When you progress into different racing classes, the speeds will increase up to 120 mph eventually.

If you like a roaring good time, like loud engine noises, blaring announcements, dust and dirt flying everywhere near the track, don't mind a piece of mud in your eye as the dirt track auto racers roar their way around the track, then by all means, make it a fun, family night out. You truely can get down and dirty at the track if you learn to love dirt track auto racing.

You can discover more about the wonderful, fun, family sport of dirt track auto racing by visiting Jeremy's blog by clicking here

Margaret Dunn is an avid dirt track auto racing fan who writes about the sport and about her son-in-law who is a dirt track auto racing champion. You can visit their website at where you will find more interesting information about this fun family sport.

Margaret Dunn - EzineArticles Expert Author


Usually when you think about water sports, you think about surf, Kite surfing, bodysurfing, etc. However, there is one that few people know called Skimboarding. Skimboarding is a sport similar to surfing which takes place near the shore. This sport is becoming quite a popular, interesting and a fun sport done by people of any age that like the beach. The most important aspects are about its history, the equipment used, and how to do skimboarding.

Skimboarding has a rich history. What started over sixty years ago when Laguna Beach lifeguards used to skimboard on pieces of wood has evolved into a highly competitive water sport. Most people know skimboarding as "that thing you do on the sand," and while this statement is true, skimboarding has become so much more, it has become a real sport. Skimboarding has become part of growing up in Laguna Beach. Almost all of the kids in Laguna try skimboarding. Most don't keep practicing this sport but the ones who do are very dedicated to the sport.

To do skimboard you need few things. First, a board selected according to your weight and experience. There are wooden boards, but modern skimboards are made out of fiberglass or carbon fiber. The modern skimboards are recommended because they float more than the wooden boards. Then, a wax must be applied on top of the board where you place your feet. This wax is used to prevent you from slipping. Some people use a tail pad identical to the one used on surfboards; however, using this tail pad is up to you.

Now the most important part, how to get on the board. The skimboarder stands on the sand away from the ocean with the skimboard in hand and waits for a wave. When they see a wave, they run towards it with their skimboard still in hand. When they reach the wet sand, they drop the board and jump onto it as quickly as possible. In order to perform this act, you most run, but don’t run too fast neither too slow. Then, you drop the board (don’t throw, it just drop it) and finally the slide. For the slide, bend your knees, maintain balance on the center of the board, slide in a wave and come back to shore.

As you practice and practice, you will master the basics, and then you could try getting waves farther from shore and do some tricks for fun. I can’t tell you anything else, but try this amazing sport. If you are a beach lover and a water sport fanatic, you will love this sport that is becoming more popular because is practiced by many people around the world.


Alaska is a popular destination for sport fishing enthusiasts from around the world. Sport fishing is a lifestyle for many residents of Alaska, and many fishermen dream of heading up north for the unique experience. From the Northern Pike fisheries in the interior of Alaska, to the Eastern Kenai Peninsula, there is plenty to see and do for every outdoor enthusiast. Each region of Alaska offers optimum times for targeting specific types of fish; each region is timed in cycles, and it’s important to understand the climate and weather influences of the area.

The Nine Regions for Sport Fishing in Alaska
The entire landscape of Alaska can be broken up into specific zones and regions. Each region offers its own unique and diverse set of fish. The nine regions for sport fishing in Alaska include:

• Arctic, Yukon, and Kuskokwim area
• Bristol Bay, Kodiak
• Anchorage and Matsu Valley
• Northern Southeast
• Tanana Region
• Susitna Valley
• Kenal Peninsula
• Southern Southeast
• Prince William Sound

The northern interior and arctic region of Alaska are very primitive areas, but filled with a diverse range of fisheries and fly fishing opportunities. The Tanan region lies in the heart of Alaska, and includes the communities of Tok, Delta Junction, and Fairbanks. Freshwater and saltwater fish abound in the northern southeast area of Alaska, and this area is also rich with history of the Klondike Gold Rush. Key communities of this area include Cape Suckling, Cordova, Baranof Island, Yakuta, and Skagway. Kenai Penn is a diverse community that covers the Anchorage, Matanuska Valley, and Kenai Peninsula area. This is a highly developed fishing and tourist area, offering some of the most challenging waters in the area.

Targeted Fish for Sport Fishing in Alaska
Fish types and styles vary in Alaska, and throughout the nine regions. The targeted fish of the area include:

• Rainbow trout
• Grayling
• Burbot
• Northern Pike
• Lake Trout
• Sheefish
• Whitefish
• King Salmon
• Chum Salmon
• Coho Salmon

Popular Sites and Excursions for Sport Fishing in Alaska
You’ll find a diverse range of sites and excursions to explore in the Alaska region. Sport fishing enthusiasts take part in a variety of year round activities, including Fly Fishing tournaments, Trophy Rainbow Trout excursions, and other fishing experiences. The most common fishing experiences in Alaska include:

• Sockeye Salmon Fishing
• Giant Halibut
• Fly Fishing
• Fly-Out Fishing
• Kenai River King Salmon
• Silver Salmon Fishing

King Salmon fishing is a popular choice on the Kenai River, and is famous for some of the most prized King Salmon in the world. The salmon runs at two key times of the year, and draws thousands of fishermen and outdoor enthusiasts each year. The annual return of Sockeye Salmon to the Kenai area also brings together a popular seasonal event.


Sport fishing enthusiasts congregate on the coasts of Florida year after year for the multitude of sprots fishing hotspots in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, the Florida Keys, and off to the coasts of Cabo San Lucas. From charter boats to daylong excursions on the ocean, sport fishing in Florida is a popular activity for thousands of outdoor enthusiasts.

Types of Sport Fishing in Florida
Florida waters offer an abundant range of species for sport fishing enthusiast. The most common fishing charter and types of sport fishing options in the Florida area include:

• Sailfish
• Tackle Sportfishing
• Evening Swordfishing
• Catches of Blackfin Tuna
• King fish
• Wahoo
• Snapper

Regions for Florida Sport Fishing
Each separate region of Florida offers a variety of beaches and coast lines. Perfect for beginners and experts, the beaches and locations around Florida offer idyllic spots for catching the most noteworthy fish. The main areas in Florida include:

• Panhandle: Pensacola, Ft. Walton Beach, Destin, Panama City, Port St. Joe, Tallahassee, St. Marks, and Apalachicola
• Northwest-Big Bend: Perry, Steinhatche, Suwanee, Cedar Key, Crystal River, Spring Hill, Hernando Beach, and Homosassa Springs
• West Central: Boca Grande, Venice, Tampa Bay, Clearwater, New Port Riche, Pine Island, St. Petersburg, Sarasota
• Southwest: Flamingo, Everglades City, Ft. Myers, Naples, and March Island
• Central Florida: Belle Glade, Winter Haven, Kissimmee,Leesburg, Orlando, Ocala, and Deland
• Northeast: St. Augustine, Flagler Beach, Jacksonville, Fernandina Beach
• Southeast: Jupiter, Evergaldes, Miami Beach, Biscayne Bay, Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton
• Florida Keys: Key Largo, Key West
• East Central: Daytona Beach, Sabastian, Vero Beach, Cocoa Beach, Titusville, New Smyrna, Stuart, Ft. Pierce, and Melborne

Sport Fishing Tournaments in Florida
Fishing tournaments and competitions are a popular activity throughout the Florida area, and offer some fun and exciting ways to share local talent. The top fishing tournaments in the Florida area include:

• Islamorada Swordfish Tournament
• Islamorada Sailfish Tournament
• Take Stock in Children Backcountry Challenge
• George Bush Cheeca Lodge Bonefish Tournament
• Florida Billfish Masters
• Bahamas White Marlin Open
• Senorita Shootout
• Harbor Docks Open

Marinas and Baitshops for Sportfishing in Florida
You’ll find dozens of marinas and baitshops for the most suitable catches and lures throughout Florida. From Marco Island to Naples, there are a number of shops and stores to help manage the supplies and equipment list. Basic supplies for sportfishing include rigged and unrigged ballyhoos, spinners, castings for flyfishing, knot equipment, and standard lures and bait. Key supply shops in the Marco Island and western Florida area include:

• Bayfront Marina
• Cedar Bay Marina
• Esplanade Marina, situated on the open shores of Marco Island
• Gulfshores Marina
• 4Yacht in Ft. Lauderdale
• Sunshine Ace Hardware


Sport fishing in Miami is a popular activity for thousands of outdoor fishing enthusiasts, and many tournaments and events take place on the Florida coastlines for entertainment and exciting activities each season. From trolling to shark fishing, sport fishing is a great way to explore the coasts of Florida and enjoy the sights and sounds of the southern coast. Kite fishing is becoming a popular sport, along with wreck and bottom fishing.

Targeted Species for Sportfishing in Miami
Miami offers dozens of sportfishing opportunities including Blackfin, Snapper, and Wahoo. The most common year round fish available include:

• Amberjack
• Barracuda
• Blackfin
• Bonita
• Coia
• Dolphin
• Grouper
• Kingfish
• Mackerel
• Sailfish
• Snapper
• Snook
• Tarpon
• Wahoo

In addition, the Shark, Jack Crevalle, Tripletail, and Hogfish are all popular types of fish that also make the cut for fishing enthusiasts.

Inshore and Offshore Sportfishing Species in Miami
Both inshore and offshore sport fishing species in Miami are available for sportfishing enthusiasts of all skill levels. In shore fishing species include:

• Croaker
• Seatrout
• Flounder
• Grunt
• Spanish Mackerel
• Permit
• Black Drum
• Spadefish
• Tarpon
• Crevalle
• Amberjack

Offshore fishing species include:
• Blue Marlin
• Sailfish
• Wahoo
• Skip Jack Tuna
• Mako
• Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
• Longbill Spearfish

What to Expect from Sportfishing in Miami
During the winter months, Florida coastlines are filled with calm waters and offshore events. The harbors are especially busy in the afternoons, while summer months offer the best conditions in the early morning. Late afternoons in the summer are also considered peak seasons, and it’s easy to predict the type of day at sunrise.

Kite fishing is the most popular type of sportfishing activity in Miami, and is considered to be the most effective way to catch Billfish. Kitefishing involves baiting the fish from a fishing kite, and you can track the speed of the fish as it bites. The kite is flown from an electric reel, and then attached behind the boat.

Sportfishing Yacht Charters in Miami
From shark hunting to catching hammerhead and stingray, sportfishing in Miami can be a unique experience. The best deep-sea game fishing in the world can be found in abundance in South Beach, and sport fishermen of all skill levels enjoy catching spcies from area exotic destinations. Popular fishing charter companies in the Miami area include:

• Ace Monster Fishing
• BackYonder
• Caught Lookin Charters
• Fine Line Charters
• Fishing Adventure Charters
• Seacross Sportfishing, Inc.
• Top Dog Sportfishing
• Winning Ticket


The pristine waters and coastal setting of Cabo San Lucas draws thousands of sport fishing enthusiasts and experts each year. Events and tournaments take place right on the oceanfront, while boat tours and weeklong trips have become a popular attraction for the area. Cabo San Lucas is a prime destination for sport fishing, offering a wide range of targeted species and plenty of options for boat rentals and new experiences. Often considered one of the world’s finest sport fishing destinations, Cabo San Lucas is home to many fleets and professional teams for a unique sport fishing experience.

Fleet and Charter Options for Sport fishing in Cabo San Lucas
From sport fishing record holders to first class yachts, Cabo San Lucas offers some unique and luxurious options for sport fishing enthusiasts of all skill levels. The most common sport fishing fleets and charters in the area include:

• Pisces Sport fishing
• Salvador’s Sport fishing Charter: El Budster
• Juanita’s Sport fishing
• Minervas Baja Tackle
• Cabo Sport Fishing Fleet
• Cortez Yacht Charters
• Bajaboy Sport fishing

Private Yacht Charters for Sport fishing in Cabo San Lucas
A private yacht can offer a luxurious alternative to standard sport fishing boats, and many can cruise to a different port or coast to pick up a regular fishing boat instead. The most common private yacht charter companies in the Cabo San Lucas area include:

• Rissalena Bay Cruises
• Luxury Yacht Rentals
• Wit’s End Sport fishing

What to Expect with Sport fishing in Cabo San Lucas
From the marinas in Baja California Sur, to the rich waters at Cape San Lucas, Cabo San Lucas offers a multitude of locations, ports, and coasts for the targeted species. The marlin is a highly prized fish that has captured the attention of anglers for decades; the average size for the species is 250 pounds, and the challenge is a test of skill, determination, and perseverance.

The most common targeted species in the Cabo San Lucas waters include:
• Blue marlin
• Striped marlin
• Black marlin
• Acrobatic sailfish
• Billfish
• Yellow fin tuna

Hundreds of tournaments and events take place along the Sea of Cortez and coasts of the Pacific Ocean. The setting is ideal for professional sport fishing teams, as well as individuals who are looking for a fresh activity to partake in. Fish can reach the 250 pound mark, and the majority fall into the 100-150 range. From charter boats to coastal cruises, Cabo San Lucas is a top destination for the novice and experienced angler.


From bass fishing to fly fishing, anglers of all experience levels and skills will need to create their unique sport fishing equipment toolbox to pull together all the necessary materials. Fishing techniques require different types of supplies and equipment, and the selection choices can be overwhelming for the beginner. Proper maintenance of all sport fishing equipment will enable high performance most of the time, and selecting the right techniques for each activity is a part of the process.

Sport Fishing Techniques for the Beginner
Depending on the goals of the sport fishing session, there are a variety of techniques commonly sued to capture the targeted fish. Common techniques for the beginner include:


Archery is a sport that is open to athletes even with a physical disability. Even though this sport is very physically demanding, it is one sport that disabled athletes can compete on an equal basis with able-bodied people. In fact wheelchair target archery has been a Paralympic sport for more than 30 years, and still going strong.

There are of course, specific rules relating to wheelchair competitors. However all other rules of competition are the same with able-bodied target archery. The difference is that wheelchair archers are divided into 2 different classes whereas there are other classifications for standing archers. Wheelchair archers compete in either W1 for quadriplegic archers that allow them to use a release mechanism, or W2 which is open to all wheelchair archers. In recent years, wheelchair archery is becoming an increasingly popular sport for the wheelchair bound athletes.

For many disabled individuals, wheelchair archery does not require any special accessories like a sports wheelchair. However, some people prefer to remove the armrest to improve aim. For others, a recurve 48-inch bow is recommended because the bow is lighter and easier to control. For persons with little arm strength, devices to help hold the bow may be allowed. Quadriplegics may have an assistant to help place the arrow in the bow, but verbal advice is against the rules.

Although outsiders may initially think the rules should be more lenient for the disabled, people participating in wheelchair archery appreciate the opportunity to be treated as another other sportsperson. The thrill of competing, participating in sports, and healthy exercise should not be diminished. Wheelchair archery provides an enjoyable diversion from the frustrating challenges of living a disabled life. For a time, wheelchair archery levels the playing field, and the handicapped are vital and alive, like everyone else.

Wheelchair archery is not simply a sport to the wheelchair bound athletes; wheelchair archery is also a chance to be normal, a boost in self-esteem, an opportunity to get some much-needed exercise, and an activity to add adventure to the restrictive life of the disabled. Instead of sitting on the sidelines and always cheering on other athletes, wheelchair target archery allows the physically challenged unique occasions to hear cheers from the benches.

In summary, live life to the fullest, despite physically handicapped. Wheelchair archery is an excellent competitive sport for anyone, regardless of ability, especially if you are up for a challenge.

Moses Wright is the owner of Wheelchair. He provides more useful information on Electric Wheelchairs and Wheelchair Van on his website. Webmasters are welcome to reprint this article if you keep the content and live link intact.


The iPod Nike Sport Kit is an excellent piece of equipment if you are an active person, and especially if you are a runner. In this article we’ll look at how it works and what to expect. After that, we’ll explore the benefits. Let’s get moving…

The iPod Nike Sport Kit is a combination of Apple iPod technology and Nike shoe technology. It allows people to wirelessly monitor their activity with a sensor in the Nike shoe and receiver in the Apple iPod. The sensor detects foot movement and sends the data to a receiver attached to the bottom of the iPod. The collected data is transferred to your computer when the iPod is docked and synchronization occurs.

To operate the iPod Nike Sport Kit you place a sensor in a specially designed pocket in your special Nike shoe (i.e., Nike+) and then you plug a receiver into your iPod Nano dock connector. The sensor and receiver can give you real-time performance feedback. You’ll get this information right on your iPod screen. And, as mentioned above, you can load it to your computer as well. With the iPod Nike Sport Kit you can track distance, pace, calories burned, and amount of time. It’s very slick technology.

Just to be clear, you’ll need three things to make this all work. First, you’ll need a pair of special Nike+ shoes. Only Nike+ shoes have a built-in compartment in the specially designed in the sole of the shoe, specially designed for the iPod Nano and wireless receiver. Second, you’ll need an iPod Nano. It’s obviously small and light, built for the job. Finally, you need the Nike+ iPod Sport Kit itself, which allows your shoe to talk to your iPod.

Active people reading this probably already understand the benefits but let’s take a quick look at them. It’s important to cover the details.

First, you can run to your favorite music. If you don’t already have a portable music player, the iPod Nano is a good choice because it is small, light and generally easy to use. Second, you can get excellent workout information that you probably didn’t have before, including the items mentioned above, including things like distance, pace and calories burned. You can track this performance on your PC or your Mac. Third, the technology is wireless so there is much less chance or getting tangled up or hurt. Wireless simplicity means higher usability. Fourth, the performance data synchronization occurs naturally as part of your iPod synchronization. Nothing extra or special is required.

There are some special benefits beyond the ones noted above. Specifically, the data can also be synced up to, if you care. On you can set goals, see your runs, and even challenge friends. This can be set up automatically, so again, easy of use is relatively high. Furthermore, on the Apple iTunes Store, there is a Nike Sports Music section which features some interesting content. There are workout mixes with coaching and motivation tips that play over music. There are sport mixes that are professionally (top athlete) created mixes as well as podcasts.

Of course, there are many other excellent music sources available. As with any iPod selection, definitely shop around for the music that fits your mood and your style. You’re not limited to iTunes to find great music, podcasts, and videos.

John S. Rhodes is an accomplished writer and researcher on many technical topics. Find out how to get instant access to unlimited DVD quality movies (including new releases), music, MP3s and more:

John S. Rhodes - EzineArticles Expert Author


A simple comparison of the average gymnastics and the average cheerleading training facility shows how poorly the average cheerleading training facility is equipped. Many cheer programs have no specialized training facility at all and many have no or minimal equipment. This makes learning cheerleading skills more difficult, dangerous and creates inconsistent skill performance.

Untrained Coaches

Perhaps the number one reason for the high injury level is the prevalence of untrained and inexperienced coaches. It is not that uncommon for school cheerleading programs to only be required to have a faculty advisor, with no requirement for that faculty member to have any cheerleading experience at all. This results in jr. high and high school age athletes being completely responsible for their own training – obviously an unsafe situation. Often school programs have cheer “sponsors” not cheer coaches, a verbal recognition that the program leader has no cheer coaching expertise.

Coaching Inexperience

Even former cheerleaders may not have enough experience to safely coach the new level of difficult skills that are being performed in cheerleading. Former cheerleaders who only performed simple to moderately difficult sideline and half-time skills are not experienced in teaching the high level competitive cheerleading skills now being done.

Poor Pay

One of the primary reasons for the prevalence of both untrained cheer coaches and more widely experienced coaches is the sometimes ridiculously low pay remunerating cheer coaches or sponsors. There is no financial incentive for coaches to spend their own money for training when they know they will never be able to recoup their investment.

Poor Spotting

Inherent in certain aspects of cheerleading is that cheerleaders spot other cheerleaders. They do so in basket tosses, stunting and pyramids. One of the basic tenets of gymnastics coaching is that only professional coaches are qualified, mature and experienced enough to spot gymnasts. Cheerleading depends on athletes of the same age and experience level to take responsibility for the lives of their cheerleading teammates. This is certainly dangerous to at least some degree and that danger must be recognized. Spotting requires deep concentration, commitment and taking personal responsibility for the safety of the cheerleader being spotted. Simply assigning an increasing number of youthful spotters does not solve the problem.

Lack of Necessary Conditioning and Strength Training

The need for adequate strength training and physical conditioning is recognized in most sports programs. It is also understood that practicing most sports does not provide sufficient strength training and physical conditioning. Too many cheer programs contribute and compound an already unsafe situation by not adequately building the strength and fitness levels of their athletes.

Not Using Proper Skill Progression

Proper skill progression is a tenet of gymnastics training programs. It is only logical that basic skills be learned and mastered in safe small steps. Too many cheer programs rush through progressions or skip them entirely. Many cheerleading coaches and cheerleaders are even unaware of the progressive training steps they should be following. There are safety and skill progressions for tumbling, stunting, pyramids and basket tossing. This is definitely an area where ignorance contributes to the danger.

Competing Skills That Have Not Been Mastered

The emergence of the new competitive aspects of cheerleading and the increasing numbers and importance of cheer competition hve placed pressure on cheerleaders and cheer coaches to increase the difficulty of the skills they are performing. Under the guidance (?) of inexperienced and untrained coaches/sponsors, safely learning to perform these more difficult and more dangerous skills is not surprisingly inconsistent.


Cheerleading has many factors that contribute to its danger factor. Some dangers are inherent in the sport as it exists. Some have to do with coaching and some have to do with the structure (or lack of it) cheer programs from the school/team level to the national association level.

For More Information
For even more of the type of in-depth information about cheerleading in this article and other interesting and informative products, see our Cheer Zone web site at:

15 Books and Counting
John Howard is the author of 15 books and e-Books about cheerleading, gymnastics, gym design, and gymnastics humor. More books are already on the way. He has 25 years experience and has coached State, Regional and National champion gymnasts, international competitors and cheerleaders at the National level in NCAA Division I.


Wrestling, the name says it all, this is form of sports entertainment like no other. The wrestling of today is all about fanfares, lights, music and outlandish characters rather than in conventional wrestling sans somersaults and superfluous attractions. Of the most popular forms of sports entertainment, wrestling holds a position for being one of most popular sport in the world. This sport attracts millions of fans to this game, professional wrestling is a combination of successful merchandising and televised events.

The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) is the major powerhouse of professional wrestling where athletes aim for the ultimate stardom as they compete in the sport’s largest organization. In America, there are number of wrestling schools that train athletes to perfect and excel in the art of the wrestling sport, its maneuvers and also they even may help in providing placements for their most talented performers. The aspiring wannabe wrestlers that are interested in getting trained for professional wrestling usually call up the organization that they eventually hope to work for, such as WWE or any other top notch organization, and ask for a list of wrestling schools endorsed by the wrestling major, and athletes may benefit from attending the recommended wrestling school so that they improve their chances of reaching stardom of being a wrestling superstar. The wrestling superstars are nothing but a combination of gymnastic moves, extensive training and dedication bundled with muscular structure and poise. On every occasion, it is the responsibility of the performing athletes to provide a quality performance that reminisces as “one” in the minds of their diehard fans who will enjoy until the last minute. To garner even more excitement, the best part of the wrestling industry, the annual super bowl of wrestling as it is known, also known as the Wrestle mania, is held as a live pay-per-view event each year. It is undeniably a visual treat for fans and a test of skill to the wrestling superstars. Wrestle mania offers some of the wildest, most exciting events of the year.

It is a pricey affair to get trained at wrestling training centers, and time being inversely proportional to the training tutored the skill level, the more you are skilled the lesser training and vice versa. It will be an amateur wrestler that would be spending more on wrestling training when compared to an intermediate or advanced athlete. In training sessions, the series exercises or programs include basic and advanced classes of weight training; workout regimens, diet regimens and actual ring practices that make these training sessions simulate the real-time wrestling environment. The schedules are demanding and the tasks exhausting, but training centers offer the best look at what a wrestling lifestyle is all about.

For other avid individuals that prefer just to watch and not be a part of wrestling, love to enjoy but not willing to be part of the action, the best seat are in the house sidelines. Televised tapings are held throughout the country with visits to stadiums and venues in almost every state. In addition, autograph events are frequently held in order to allow fans to meet their favorite-wrestling superstars in person.


You want a fighter jet as your personal aircraft; do not deny it. You want to travel faster than the speed of sound and play Top Gun in the sky. Well, it may be possible soon for you to do this, if you have the cash of course. Having studied the possibilities and options for a Supersonic Jet Trainer for fighter aircraft, one might notice that there have been lots of recent media discussions and many solutions at this years Paris Airshow. One such aircraft is the Mako trainer by Mercedes Benz. Top speed 1050 mph. Many years back we used the T-38 an F-5 Tiger with two seats. These units are needed because before you put someone in an F-22 Fighter, which costs 100 million dollars, they better be able to fly the damn thing and fly it well. The Mako could also be a fighter if needed for small countries to be their Air Force. It can use either the EJ200 by Eurojet or an F414 by GE or even Snecma M88 (a company out of France trying to make itself popular in aerospace circles for lightweight high out put engines).

They see this aircraft as an intro to the F-16 or F-22. Many third world countries go to Arizona and use old vintage A-4s for training or train in the desert in CA. This aircraft is long like the T-38 about 45 feet. Aviation Week had some interesting things to say about this project.

However many companies are competing for these aircraft for trainers including the Koreans T-50, which we have discussed before and the price tag is good and they are readily available now while the Mako is about early 2003 bound and delivered in 2005. The US is now taking delivery of Raytheon's T-6A Texan 2 has the security of U.S. military procurement. Now as a matter of fact I talked to a training pilot in San Antonio who said they were getting their first ones in last June. Many Aerospace consultants in Europe believe this aircraft may take the lead around the world as the trainer of place. Many countries still are not exactly feeling good about buying the Korean T-50s.

In any case what a wonderful fun and cool aircraft to have as a sport plane. You know you want one. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author


While it is undisputed that the origins of modern soccer, or football, originated in Britain, there is a great deal of evidence that points to this beloved game as having an older history.

Where did the game of soccer really begin, and how old is it? To understand how many different varieties of "soccer" there are, you need to understand a bit about the older versions of the game and how they have evolved.

Below, you will find a list of the predominant cultures that had a variety of soccer, and learn how each one differs from what we play today. And no, they never used anything like Lotto shinguards back then either!

  • Chinese Soccer History
  • Japanese Soccer History
  • Egyptian Soccer History
  • Greek/Roman Soccer History
  • British Soccer History

Chinese Soccer History

To many, this is the oldest version of soccer to exist. However, there is quite a lot of controversy of whether or not this is the oldest, or Japan's version is the elder. The Chinese version of the game, originally named "Tsu Chu", involved players on a field that had to hit a leather ball stuffed with fur into a small hole. Like Soccer, no hands were permitted during the play of the game, and it was considered an honor to be a member of a team.

The Emperor of the Han Dynasty, when the game was developed, was an avid player and fan, and spread the popularity of this game all over China during his reign. This roughly dates back to 300 B.C., although there is controversy on the subject of dating, which could result in the origins of the game being as far back as 5000 B.C. Regardless, this version of Soccer is extremely old. Despite that, there is still a version of Tsu Chu played today. While the two games are similar, Tsu Chu has had no effect on the modern version of the game, as it was originally developed and created for play in Great Britain.

Japanese Soccer History

Kemari, the Japanese version of "Soccer", is perhaps one of the most different forms of the sport, in comparison to modern soccer. Kemari was a game of "Keep it up", much like modern hacky sacks, although used with a larger ball that was stuffed with saw dust. This version involves a "pitch", or the field, designated by the selection of four trees, the cherry, maple, pine and willow. Many great houses in Japan would grow trees to have a permanent pitch, or field, established.

Kemari was normally played with two to twelve players. Established in roughly 1004 B.C., it vies for position of the oldest game with China's Tsu Chu. In fact, China's Tsu Chu players and Japan's Kemari players were the first to have an "International" game of their versions of Soccer, which is dated to have occurred in roughly 50 B.C., although a definite date of 611 A.D. is known. Regardless, this game stands with China as a sister sport to Soccer, while it never affected the modern version of the game.

Egyptian Soccer History

While not much is known about Egyptian Soccer, or other ball games, it is thought there was a version of a type of ball game played by young women during the age of Baqet III. On his tomb, images of this sport were depicted, although no one is certain how the game was played or whether or not it truly affected the outcome of modern soccer. Recordings of this game date as far back as 2500 B.C., although not much more is known asides the fact that it was played with a ball. The lack of information on the sport and how it was played has eliminated it from runnings as the first evidence of a game similar to soccer.

Greek/Roman Soccer History

Perhaps the closest relative to modern soccer are the games that were formed by the Greeks during the prime of their culture. They had numerous varieties of football style games, some of which required hands, some of which forbade hands. In the end, after the Roman conquering of Greece, the game Harpastum is what modern soccer would be based from. This game, probably a modified version of the Greek's "Harpaston", which translates roughly to handball. While grossly misnamed, this game is what is considered to be one of the precursors to modern soccer.

British Soccer History

In Britain during the 8th century, soccer was created, not as a recreational sport, but as a war game. One of the stories of the original roots of the sport comes from when a Danish Prince was beheaded, and his head was used as a ball and was kicked around. Ever since this 'legendary' tale, villages and other communities would play a game where they would have to kick a ball to a specific goal. It was a violent game, where injury and death were not uncommon, but it was popular nevertheless. In fact, it was so violent, that in 1331, King Edward the III passed laws to try to stop the playing of the game. It did not work, however, and the sport continued on.

There are even stories of soccer games that involved hundreds upon hundreds of players. In these games, there were many deaths, some resulting in the hundreds. It wasn't until 1815 when Eton College set up a series of rules for the game that it became less violent and more of a true sport. At this time, other colleges and universities took up the banner and began to play under similar rules. Later, the rules were evaluated and judged, and the Cambridge rules were created as a result in 1848. In the Cambridge rules, shin-kicking, carrying the ball and tripping were all forbidden. Rugby rules allowed these aspects, and the two varieties of soccer, or football, split to form their own followings.

On October 26, 1863, London schools and sports club sent representatives to the Freemason's Tavern, where the Football Association was formed. Rugby supporters left this association to form the Rugby Association. This is where the birth of modern soccer began. In 1969, the Football Association finalized the modern game of soccer by forbidding the use of hands in the game.

The term "Soccer" was coined when someone was asked if he was a Rugger, which is a Rugby player. The -er signified that the person participated in a a particular sport. The individual, Charles Wreford Brown, replied with "Soccer!", taking the phrase from Association, SOC, and adding the -er. The term stuck. While British individuals still call the game Football, Americans and other countries call it Soccer, especially if they have heavy support in American Football present. Ever since the foundation of the Association, "Football" has risen in popularity, becoming one of the best love games in the history of Earth. Now, hundreds of thousands play the sport, although it lacks the initial violence present at its creation.


The Compound Bow is a technique intended to lessen the amount of force the archer must use and to increase the total energy that is held by the bow. A lot of compound bows use cams at the end of the limbs to make the most of the leverage given by the archer while minimizing the holding force of the bow. The smaller the force needed to hold the compound bow, the lesser the strain is on the archer's back muscles while drawing the string. This gives the muscles more time to rest and the archer more time and energy to concentrate on his aim. Archers often use a release aid to help keep the string and the arrow steady and to release it accurately. This release aid has a trigger and is attached to the bowstring. This allows the archer to pull and release the string using the trigger.

Because of the lesser demands of the compound bow, it is often reduced to a 'training-wheel bow.' Usually, an archer with a solid recurve bow technique has a good compound bow technique. However, the compound bow must be altered to the limits of the archer like his limit in draw length. The correct draw length of an archer is determined mostly by the arm length and shoulder width of the archer.

The Padded Arrow Sport

The Padded Arrow Sport is an activity practiced by a small but growing subculture for a period of over 50 years. It has developed into an organized sport for some while it is a form of live action combat with an unclear system for others. Live Action War Games are made up of individuals or groups of fifty to a hundred people that are dressed in authentic combat armor and use padded sports weapons all in the attempt to simulate battlefields.

Although most war games use guns, some systems allow the use of real bows and arrows. These are however regulated by limiting the bow draw weight from twenty to forty-five pounds and by using blunt, coin-tipped arrows whose heads are wrapped and secured in an open-cell foam padding. These are called 'safety arrows'. Unlike the traditional bow techniques, the use of 'safety arrows' or the 'foam archers' have to deal with releasing weighted arrows resulting in a more awkward projectile with a maximum effective range of only about fifty or sixty feet. The players in the Padded-arrow sport should always remember that even though they are padded, actual bows and arrows are still used. With this, precautions should be taken like frequent equipment checks.

In addition to the clumsiness of the bow and the padded arrows, archers need to keep moving around to stay clear of the hundreds of other opponents. This makes the sport even more challenging and appealing. In the battlefield, players are up against people who are charging against them, hiding and using tactics to bring a person or a team down. Because of this, archers have to master the skill in aiming, proper positioning and calculating range, distance and projectile in order to make an effective hit while running from the enemy. Each player must learn strategy and tactics as well to avoid being attacked or removed from the game due to and injury point system or an actual physical injury.


"Bouldering" (slang for boulder climbing), is a timeless sport, often associated with mountain climbing (without the rope or the mountain). It is an extreme sport which has been around since the 1880's, pioneered in Great Britain by bouldering fanatics. The concept originated because people would climb boulders to warm up or train for future mountain climbs. John Gill (an American boulder climber pioneer) made advances to the sport, which have in turn brought it into the mainstream. Boulder climbing focuses on the performance of the athlete on the boulder, which they are climbing, rather than on the headway that they can make, equipment they have, or safety gear as is often done in mountain climbing.

Boulder climbers do take basic safety measures, as they end up about six feet above the ground. For instance, they often use chalk so that the climber's hands are dry, giving them a good grip on the boulder, and preventing slipping from occurring. A chalk pouch is kept with boulder climbing, which ensures dry hands to reduce slippage potential.

Another safety measure is using an applicable shoe. There is no requirement or regulation for shoe type, but many climbers tend to choose shoes specifically made for climbing. These shoes secure safe footing, and protect their feet from potential rock cuts, twists, and splinters.

Crash pads are also used as a safety precaution. These break the fall of the climber, and ensure a safer landing. Boulder climbers are now carrying collapsible mats along with them, when recreationally bouldering.

This sport also sometimes has a spotter along side. Spotters help direct climbers from danger, and are around to help with first aid.

Another precaution that is sometimes used, controversially, is a rope to navigate the boulder. Fans of the sport, however, feel it distracts and takes away from the object of the activity.

The judging systems have changed to accommodate bouldering, as it becomes more competitive. Difficulty levels were assigned to boulders accordingly the "B" system. A B1 problem boulder was not considered easy, but not hard. A B2 problem boulder is one, which is harder to navigate and conquer than a B1. A B3 problem boulder indicates a boulder so hard to climb; it has only been successfully done once.

The "B" system only worked for a small while, until it became too diverse to fit into three categories. "B" scale was soon replaced by the "V" grade system, compliments of John Sherman. From V0 to V16, the sport now uses an open ended scale. The term VB is used if the boulder does not even reach a V0 rating. Plus and minuses are sometimes added to the V ratings.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this as well as Rock Climbing Gear at

Gregg Hall - EzineArticles Expert Author


The sport of hockey has many variations, including the Olympic sports of ice hockey and field hockey. Roller Hockey however, has also gained in popularity, as a recreational activity and as a competitive sport. It is an extremely fast sport, exciting for spectators to watch, and demanding a lot of skill.

There are two distinct disciplines within the sport, with their own equipment and rules. The original Roller Hockey is played, using traditional quad roller skates. When inline skates were invented, the new Inline Hockey evolved. Both sports are played in many countries but the US and Canada favor Inline Hockey. The different choice of skates results in a different skating style. There is more intricate footwork in Quad Hockey and it is easier for the players to maneuver. Inline Hockey contains more racing around and is similar to Ice Hockey action.

The goalies differ in that they use different gloves for each sport. Inline Hockey goalies use a catch glove, whereas Quad Hockey goalies block shots with a batting glove. Each of the Roller Hockey teams are made up of four skaters and a goalie. Inline Hockey, also known as Street Hockey, is played over two, 20 minute periods. Quad Hockey, sometimes referred to as Hardball Hockey, is played for an extra five minutes in each period.

Every sport wants Olympic status and Quad Hockey was a demonstration sport at the Summer Olympics in Barcelona in 1992. Many World Championships have taken place, with the Latin countries dominating. Portugal is the most successful country, winning 15 Quad Championships. Inline Hockey World Championships are rather more complicated as there are two different events each year. One is organized by the International Roller Sports Federation and the other is run by the International Ice Hockey Federation. The United States and Canada are the traditional leaders in the sport but Inline Hockey is becoming more popular across Europe and Latin America.

Women have come to the sport too, becoming increasingly organized. Both Roller Hockey disciplines have structured competitions. Inline Hockey has had Women's World Championships since 2002 and women have competed on the world stage in Quad Hockey, since 1992. Again, the Quad Championships are dominated by Latin countries. Roller Hockey started as an amateur pastime, played on the streets and local rinks. Ice Hockey may still be the leading stick and puck sport, but the other versions are keen to catch up. Countries without a tradition of playing sport on ice have welcomed this type of hockey too.

Ian Botham (no relation) runs his own online sports goods mail order business as well as several sports related websites. If you need to look for some hockey equipment then check out this great Hockey Accessories site.


Like Park Chung-hee (Asia/South Korea: 1962-79) and Idi Amin Dada (Africa/Uganda: 1971-79), Fidel Castro is a sports fanatic and enjoys watching all types of Olympic sports. Fidel Castro has visited the national team’s training camps, sports schools, National Schools Games and spent time with the students-athletes and Olympic players. Since 1990, the Cuban dictatorship has spent more than $80 million per year into Olympic sport. However, Cuba is not an Olympic paradise. Cuba’s modern sporting history has been marked by sporting defections.

Every dictatorship has a style of its own. Leonidas Rafael Trujillo had one: Dominican music. Francois Duvalier had one: Haitian culture. Kim Jong Il has one: the cinematography. He likes films as "Gone with the Wind", a famous film American. The dictator of North Korea wrote an essay "On the Art of Cinema".

The Idi Amin Dada regimewas notorious for torturing political prisoners, forbidding dissent and free speech. Under the dictatorship of Idi Amin Dada, about 350,000 people were killed. But he loves Olympic sports like Fidel Castro Ruz. During 1970s he had become an outspoken champion of sport in the Third World. I remembered that the Ugandan team won two gold, four silver and three bronze medals during the Commonwealth Games in New Zealand in 1974. Overall Ugandan team ranked tenth, before Wales, Trinidad Tobago, Tanzania and Jamaica.

Fidel Castro once said: "What has Cuba’s role been in the Olympic Games? What has it achieved? What has been the fruit of our efforts to promote healthy clean sports? At the 1972 Olympics, we finished 14th among 122 countries. At the Montreal Olympics in 1976—Juantorena remembers this well, and so do we—we finished 8th among 88 participating countries. In 1980, in Moscow we finished 4th among 81 countries; in 1992, in Spain we finished 5th among 169 countries; and in Atlanta, in 1996 we finished 8th among 197 countries. Could anyone refuse these figures". But under one of the world’s oldest surviving dictatorships, the sport has become a useful way for women and men to access to freedom.

Certainly, Cuban sport is a story of both frustration and miracles. The Cuban government reacted with increduly when in 1980 Roberto Urrutia, a weightlifter, unexpectedly announced his decision to seek asylum in the United States. At the age 14 Urrutia made weightlifting high top priority, and ten months later he established national records. Urrutia entered the 1975 Pan American Championship at the age of 18 and won gold medals for Cuba. In December, in Matanzas, he become the first Latin American weightlifter to obtain a World record. In 1976 he finally realized his dream of competing in the Olympics. Like Alberto Juantorena (track and field), Teofilo Stevenson (boxing) and Mireya Luis Hernandez (volleyball), Roberto Urrutia Hernandez, former member of Youth Communist Union, was a symbol of the Cuban Revolution. Roberto, was born on December 12, 1956, in La Havana, won 3 gold medals at the 1978 Weightlifting World Championships and ended world Soviet’s-year domination of international weightlifting. Certainly, he was voted Hero of the Year by Prensa Latina. Before the Moscow Olympic Games, Roberto Urrutia defected to the United States via Mexico.

In the past few years, we have seen a number of events take place: Taimaris Aguero, a player, came to seek freedom in Italy; Odelin Molina, an outstanding footballer from La Havana sought political asylum in the United States; and Dulce Tellez, a sportswoman, came to San Juan de Puerto Rico.

Aguero, who at 1,77, was considered one of the best female athletes in the Americas, at the age of 16 she become the youngest person ever to be a member of Cuban Team. During the 1993 World Junior Championships in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aguero finished first in the competition for best setter. When Tanya Ortyz, setter from 1987 to 1995, announced her intention to retire at the end of 1995, Aguero was considered a leading candidate for the post. Therefore, she was keywoman when Cuba finished first at the 1998 World Championship. In 2000 Aguero helped the Cuban team reach victory at the Olympic Games. If not the greatest setter ever, she is certainly the most celebrated in volleyball history. Nowadays Taimaris Aguero is one of the most remembered and dearest sportswomen by Cubans. Behind baseball, volleyball is the most popular sport in Cuba.

Dulce Tellez was named best player in the 2006 Pan American Championships in Puerto Rico. Under her leadership Cuba won the bronze medal in volleyball in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. She left Cuba in July 2006—three months before the World Championships in Tokyo. Before the 2006 World Championships, Cuba was ranked 3rd in the world. Now it is ranked 7th. Meanwhile, Odelin Molina, was born on August, 1974, in La Havana, was one of Cuba’s best footballer and played the 1991 World Championship Under-16 in Italy. In 1995 he defected to the United States, where he lives now.


It is often said that gymnastics is 90% mental and 10% physical. If that is true, it certainly follows that there should be some percentage of training time devoted to the mental aspects of the sport and psychological training tools. In spite of this reasoning, it appears that even among those coaches who believe in mental training, there is more verbal support than actual training going on.

The USA National Gymnastics Team Uses a Sports Psychologist

The U.S. National Gymnastics Team has been seriously working with sports psychologists since at least 1992, after the Barcelona Olympics, dealing with problems such as overly high expectations, pressure and stress management. In the areas the mental training program has utilized, there seems to be credible evidence that this program has been a success and contributed to the success of the United States in International competition.

Self-Esteem vs. Scream

One of the most important aspects for a mental training program is the creation of a positive gymnastics environment. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that a positive mental environment is a prime basis for training and competitive success, especially for girls in gymnastics and other sports. In spite of this, it seems the typical gymnastics coach is more apt to follow the Bela Karolyi School of Yelling, Screaming and Negative Feedback. Perhaps his “screaming” success in the sport has led other coaches to believe that his success is a result of that screaming, instead of in spite of it.

Emphasize the Positive

Elite gymnasts tend to have particular traits that include intelligence, perfectionism and careful attention to detail. A well-designed mental training program would include methods of accentuating a gymnast’s positive traits and minimizing their negative traits. A variety of mental programs could and should be utilized to build confidence levels.

Goal-Setting is a Prime Motivational Tool

It is a well–established principle that that the establishment and daily regular review of written goals can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. This is as true in gymnastics training as it is in any other area of endeavor.

20 Books and Counting
John Howard is the author of 20 books and e-Books about gymnastics, gym design, gymnastics humor and cheerleading. More books are already on the way. He has 25 years experience and has coached State, Regional and National champion gymnasts and international competitors and cheerleaders at the National level in NCAA Division I.


You know I have just about heard enough about all these tough football stars who are paid millions of dollars to wear lots of protection pads and bump into each other on the field for 15-seconds at a time? Why? Well, I will tell you why, because the real men ride the rodeo and 15-seconds, hell 8 seconds is a literal eternity on a 6,000 to 8,000 pound bull of pure muscle that wants you the hell off of there.

They do not get million dollar endorsements to go on Television to drink some colorful foo foo soft drink or airport outlawed sports drink. These guys are severely under paid and riding rodeo is 50 times as dangerous and you do not wear any pads to protect yourself as the bull tries to break every bone in your body and re-arrange your face.

For those who have never been to a pro-rodeo event you need to get your butts down there to see one? That is where the real action is in a life and death survival of man vs monster. There is no greater adrenaline rush than riding a bull when that gate opens and for those who dare to take the full ride there is often hell to pay, but in the end the pay offs rarely cover the lifetime medical costs of such a hazardous sport.

It is amazing that we Americans sit and watch our Televisions sets and think football is such a rough sport. Heck that is merely a bunch of humans running around and into each other wearing lots of padding protection. Rodeo, well lets just say that is where the real men play and they play for keeps. So, consider this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

Lance Winslow - EzineArticles Expert Author


Though the football game is why they came, many of the Shenendehowa Plainsmen fans stay for the Junior Varsity (JV) cheerleaders despite the bitter cold. Fans wonder how the girls can stand the weather in their small green and white uniforms. When the group in front of the stands starts their routine, filled with gymnastics and difficult choreography, the audience forgets about the cold as they are being mesmerized by the girls being hurled into the air in front of them. These kinds of routines performed at school games won the Shen JV cheerleaders first place, and a rather large trophy, at the Ultimate Cheer Fest at Hudson Valley Community College held on January 27th. Both the JV and Varsity teams won top honors their respected divisions.

Being a cheerleader requires physical strength and endurance, just like any other athlete. The season lasts from the second week in August to the second week in March. The try-outs for the squad prove that the few girls picked will be able to handle the workload. “(It’s a) long and grueling process,” JV Coach Jessica Abrams said. “The first set of try-outs is for the football season. We condition the girls for two weeks, meaning you have to run a 10 minute mile, 40 pushups in 40 seconds, and 40 explosion sit-ups in 60 seconds.”

This doesn’t include the several other football and basketball games that the cheerleaders perform in throughout the year. In addition, the squad spends time preparing for competitions. The team tries to travel to as many competitions as possible, mostly getting through to local competitions, including Suburban Council. “My favorite part of cheerleading is actually competition season” says Shen cheerleader Kayla St. Clair, “because the whole team has worked together to be something amazing.

When we get to competition and kick butt, we feel awesome!” In the past few years, Shen’s cheerleaders have become stars in the athletic department, even though cheerleading is not considered a sport at the school. “It is most definitely a sport because we practice really hard” argues St. Clair. “It’s not easy holding a girl above your head doing crazy things for over a minute. It just takes a lot of hard work and (a lot of) time to become a cheerleader and it's not what most people think it is.” Abrams says that the cheerleading club advisors go through the same paces as other coaches throughout the school, helping balance the club vs. sports status with the cheerleaders. “We are overseen by the athletic department. We carry the same safety certifications as other coaches, like CPR and first aid.

We go to the same coach seminars and we meet with the athletic director (Matthew Jones) to go over the upcoming season,” she said. Though the training is grueling and long, with only one day off per week, the connection between the coach and her team runs deep. “I’ve watched them grow. To see the tremendous amount of growth, it’s incredible. It’s like watching your kids grow up. So much change happens, and to see their progress as people. It’s really the only reason why I do this,” she said.

Hi! I'm Sara Tracey, a now-senior at Shenendehowa High School in New York. I've wanted to be a journalist for the longest time and now I'm building up my repertoire. I'm using this site to build up recognition and skill. Hopefully it'll pay off.


Cricket has been the favourite summer sport of the English for as long as many of us can remember. There are now signs, however, that this traditional game may be in trouble.

In 2005 England took on Australia in one of sport's oldest and finest competitions - the battle for the cricketing Ashes. Australia were the leading team in Test Match cricket and had been for more than a decade. England, by contrast, were only just in the process of bouncing back after years in the doldrums.

Few expected what was about to happen next: England competed against the Australians, producing one of the greatest Test series in living memory. By the end of the series, England had regained the Ashes.

Suddenly many of the top England cricketers were household names, known to even those with no interest in the game. Andrew Flintoff, Kevin Pietersen and Michael Vaughan were among those awarded honours by no less a figure than the Queen herself.

Everything looked rosy in the English cricketing garden.

Two years on, many are beginning to ask what has subsequently gone wrong. A number of key figures from the Ashes success has been struck by injuries, while the beginning of 2007 saw the Australians win the return series by a mammoth 5-0 margin.

As things went from bad to worse, the England team failed at the cricket World Cup and saw their coach sacked. It's been noticeable that the glow that followed the successes of two years ago has faded - kids aren't out on the parks playing cricket in the same numbers.

English cricket stands at a crossroads. Many are asking whether it will re-establish itself, or simply fade from the limelight.


Snowboarding is one of the most exciting winter sports that you can currently participate in. When most people think of snowboarding they think of young kids shredding down the snow slope. While that may be true, there are many opportunities for older riders of all ages to enjoy snowboarding.

Most ski resorts now completely cater to the snowboard enthusiast. Not long ago ski resorts were not very welcoming to snowboarders, but as skiing popularity began decreasing during the 90's they discovered that snowboarders spent as much or more money as their skiing counterparts and began welcoming them in droves.

Snowboarding clothing is very similar to what you would normally wear skiing. You always want to dress in layers. Marketing and design departments everywhere has created snowboarding specific clothing. The reality is it is the same warm clothing you would wear skiing that just looks more hip for the kids. Adults can certainly wear their ski pants and jackets if they want and have the same amount of fun. Snowboarding companies say that the snowboarding clothing has more room and is more comfortable which is just a fancy way of saying the clothing is baggy. Bottom line: whatever keeps you warm and dry is what you need to snowboard.

Safety is important to consider if you are traveling down the snow slope at a high rate of speed. Many people are using helmets to protect from cranial impact when you inevitably take a spill. Numerous snowboarders have found themselves hurt or even killed when losing control and smashing into a tree or other obstacle. Head trauma is generally the reason for the fatality.

Goggles or sunglasses are important to have when snowboarding. The sun can be blinding and make the glare off the snow very difficult to tolerate, making sunglasses almost necessary. However, if a snowstorm materializes on top of the mountain you will wish that you had a pair of goggles. Sunglasses will not be much help and if you have nothing to protect your eyes, making your way down the mountain will be very difficult, if next to impossible.

Most experts would recommend beginners invest some time and money in some lessons. Snowboarding looks extremely easy but the truth is it is very difficult to master. Snowboard lessons will help you become a safer rider, teach you how to mount and dismount the chairlift properly and show you the proper way to control your snowboard.

Snowboarding is an exciting sport to participate in. With the proper gear, a lesson or two and a ton of practice you will understand why it is the fastest growing winter sport these days and why it is so much fun.

Chris considers snowboarding one of his favorite activities. He considers standing on top of the slope getting ready to ride down a fresh powdered mountain as one of the world's great experiences. If you also enjoy the thrill of snowboarding, click here to visit our website.


Laos, a predominantly Buddhist country, has been a new Socialist Republic since 1975. Laos, best known as Lao People`s Democratic Republic, is a country of ancient culture, history, traditions and beautiful historic buildings. Its fertile fields and tropical forest cover an area bigger than Utah and Florida. But the sport has not grown in popularity.Certainly, the olympic sport in Laos is a chaos. There are not stadiums, sportswomen, pool swimming and sporting projects.

In 1980 Thipsamay Chantaphone had finished lost in the 20-kilometer at the Moscow Olympic Games. For the first time, Laos sent an olympic team to compete in the Summer Olympic Games. Different from Alberto Juantorena (track and field: 400 and 800 mts), Maria Caridad Colon Ruenes (track and field:javelin thower) and Roberto Urrutia (weightlifting), Chantaphone did not go to the USSR, Bulgaria and East Germany.The story is the same. Like all the others socialist countries in Asia and Africa, Laosian sport had not support from the USSR.

Between 1960 and 1991, there were more than 20 socialists nations in the Third World: Afghanistan (1979-1989), Angola (1979-1991), Benin (1974-1991), Cambodia (1975-1989), Congo (1969-1989), Ethiopia (1974-1991), Ghana (1961-1966), Guinea (1960-1991), Guinea Bissau (1974-1991), Grenada (1979-1983), Madagascar (1975-1991), Mali (1962-1991), Mozambique (1977-1989), Mongolia (1950-1990), Somalia (1970-1977), South Yemen (1970-1990) and Zimbabwe (1980-1989).

Different from Cuba, the sporting system was a disaster in the Third World Socialist States, for example 17 countries did not win an olympic medal. Angola made its debut at the 1980 Olympics Games in the Soviet Union.Only North Korea qualified for FIFA World Cup. Meanwhile, Guinea sent 3 athletes to the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Between 1962 and 1990, Cuba depend on aid from the Soviet World. Different from Laos, Tanzania, Seychelles, the USSR provided massive financial aid for human development and anti-poverty programs. Much of aid was used in the Cuban sport.Cuba received more money per capita to promote sport than Brazil ,Taiwan and South Korea.

Moscow played a fundamental role in the Cuba`s rapid sporting development.Furthermore, the Kremlin and East Germany helped sporting program for children in several cities and regions in the Island.However , The USSR had not a wave of favorable publicity for their aid to sport in Cuba.

Thanks to the generosity of the Soviet Union, the Cuban dictatorships was host to several sporting events as “Jose A. Huelga Tournament” (baseball), “Ramon Fonst Tournament” (fencing), “Villa Clara Cup” (swimming), “Martires de Barbados Cup”(fencing), “Cerro Pelado Cup” (wrestling), “Raul Capablanca Tournament” (chess) “Barrientos Tournament” (track and field), “Giraldo Cordova Cardin Tournament (Boxing), “Moncada Cup” (gymnastics), “Jose Ramon Rodriguez Tournament” (judo), “Manuel Suarez Tournament (weighlifting) and “Cuba Cup” (diving).More than 50 nations participated, including Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, Jamaica, Colombia, Germany Democratic Republic, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, North Korea, Guyana, Spain and Nicaragua. For example between 1961 and 1971, the People`s Republic of Bulgaria sent 400 athletes to La Havana.

Every year, Cuban delegations went to East Europe to compete in international tournaments and competitions, for example “Friendly Katowice” (basketball/Poland), “Bratislava Cup” (volleyball/Czechoslovakia), “Tungsram Cup” (waterpolo/Hungary), “Chemistry Cup” (boxing/ GDR), “Pravda Bratislava” (track and field/Czechoslovakia), “Olympic Day” (track and field/GDR), “Savaria Cup” (volleyball/ Hungary). Furthermore,La Havana was host to several olympic tournaments: Pan American Games (1991), Central American and Caribbean Games (1982) Women`s Basketball Preolympic and the 26th World Cup Baseball (1984).

In the past, Cuba sent more than 50 coaches to study in the World Soviet. Alejandrina Herrera was graduated from Leipzing Sports School in 1968.Julio Becquer Pino was graduated from Vladimir Illich Lenin Superior Culture Physical Institute in Moscow.Jose Yañez was sent to the Medicine Academy in Bulgaria.Like Loaquin Loo, Verania Piñera and Juana Bravet Quesis, Jose Godoy Sanchez studied physical education at the Moscow Institute of Central.Certainly, Cuba was not Laos or perhaps Tanzania.


Wow - that's a fair old whack of money going into your bank account - imagine if you knew that was going in every week for the next 3 years! This man knows what it feels like...

His name's John Terry.
He earns his money from sport by playing it.
He's an English footballer, and is the captain of the England National team.

Over the summer of 2007 during the off-season, he held contract negotiations with his club, and took a hardline stance, that unless he was paid the same as some others in the squad, he would leave.

The club had to decide whether he was too important a player to lose, against whether they were setting a precedent for others to follow. They folded, and he's now said to earn $270,000 every week. Bear in mind this is whether he actually plays or not!

If he doesn't play - that huge sum still goes into his account. If he plays, but plays badly, the money still goes in.

It's hard to actually imagine that kind of figure going into your account every 7 days, and I could suggest you take up football and aim to be the England captain so that then you could earn it too. You'd probably laugh at me, and you'd be right to!

There are ways of earning money from sport that don't involve playing though, which is good news for the less athletic of us!

With the rise of the internet, it's possible to be an affiliate for any number of sport related products. You don't need to set up or maintain a website, you simply send customers to the company's own site. If that customer buys, software registers it as referred by you, and you get a commission.

Many people make big money, six figure sums yearly, just by this method.

Or, you could use the information highway to sell just that - information. Sports fans have an insatiable appetite for information, whether it's about their sport, of how to make money from it, so that's the method I choose.

I can't deny I love watching sport, and I can't deny I enjoy making money from it! I'm never going to be England captain, but I can still see my bank balance grow!

Gordon Bryan is the author of 'Make Money From Sport,' a guide where he takes you through the single technique he uses again and again to profit from any sport! Find out